
Reportasje om Teufelsberg

Eg fekk det nye nummeret av Syn og Segn i posten i dag. Eg har ikkje lest det enno, bortsett frå det eg står bak sjølv… Det inneheld ei relativt lang reportasje om Teufelsbergs relativt utrulege historie, skriven saman med den gode Ellen Engelstad. Ideen var berre å gjere noko ut av dei bileta eg tok der i november, men så blei det jammen ein tekst av det òg. 11 romslege sider. I butikkane/postkassene om nokre dagar, tenkjer eg.


Dag Solstad on Brand

Dag Solstad's interesting essay ‘On Henrik Ibsen’s Brand’, as free, downloadable pdf.

(The essay was commissioned by the Bergen International Festival, but it's more involved than your average commissioned essay. He's also just written a new essay on freedom of speech for the magazine Samtiden. More in Dagsavisen.)

Design: Yours truly
Cover illustration: Grandpeople.


L’amour de Loin

This is going to be good. Along with the great grandpeople, and of course with pictures supplied by the artists, I’ve been working on the booklet for the performance of Kaija Saariahoa and Amin Maalouf’s opera L’amour de loin.

At the centre of the performance is Elmgreen & Dragsets film-adaptation of the opera, to be shown on a gigantic screen. Apart from looking good (from what I’ve seen, anyway), it's contains interesting parallelization of romantic longing in the middle ages vs. romantic longing in the age of the internets.

Pdf of the booklet for download here.
Performances on 21 May and 22 May.

(Update: Eh, ‘working on’ is perhaps a bit vague: I'm doing the typesetting.)

Oh, and apparently this blog is language agnostic from now. For now.


Vagant om Europa

Om få dagar kjem Vagants gigantnummer med «Europa» som tema, eitt av fleire tjukke 20-årsjubileumsnummer som kjem til å kome som tunglasta gondolar rutsjande nedover kalendertaubanen 2008.